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Researcher/lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (economics/business); I collaborate as an expert in several projects with European and international organisations worldwide. Here's a summary of what I do.


Latest peer reviewed publications

Presenter/organiser at/of conferences/workshops 2019-2022

Competitive grants 2019-2023

  • EULA-GTEC Technology and Innovation Management Master; European Commission – Erasmus+ programme (2017-2021)

  • CONSENS Project – Internationalisation in Postgraduate Education; European Commission – Erasmus+ programme (2018-2021)

  • InnoHEIs - Improving Research and Innovation Infrastructure Performance in Regional Development: from Fragmented to Integrated and Sustainable Cooperation; Interreg Europe (2019-2023)

  • DIGI-SOC Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges - Erasmus+ programme (2021-2023)

Non-competitive grants and contracts 2019-2023 (as PI, researcher or expert)

  • iBuy project - Fostering the role of public authorities as demanders of innovation through public procurement (on behalf of Lithuanian Innovation Centre)

  • QUALIFY project - Quality standards and authenticity to foster competitiveness of agrifood SMEs (on behalf of Government of Catalonia)

  • Smart specialisation in Rwanda: opportunities for sustainable development (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Analysis of the 2014-2020 smart specialisation implementation in Catalonia and Galicia (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Study on the implications and challenges of promoting an innovation policy concept based on specialisation in Latin America (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Development of STI policy elements in Chile, Mexico, and Peru: governance, participation, monitoring and evaluation, and policy instruments (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Analysis of the logic and impact of E+ Knowledge Alliances and European Universities (scheme) in regional innovation systems (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Design of the strategy for science, technology, knowledge and innovation in the region of Los Ríos (Chile) - under the team of the Universidad Austral de Chile

  • ORIGINN project - Economic and social transformation in rural areas through industrial innovation, emphasis in agri-food sector (on behalf of Government of Catalonia)

Previous years - Full list


Current courses - Academic years 2019/2020 - 2022/2023

Courses previously taught - 2010/2011 - 2018/2019

  • Mathematics I (Autonomous University of Barcelona) - Undergraduate

  • Business Economics (La Salle - Ramon Llull University) - Masters

  • Business Economics (Central Catalonia University) - Undergraduate

  • Introduction to Economics (Autonomous University of Barcelona) - Undergraduate

  • Introductory course to Mathematics for Economics and Business (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

MAIN PROF. Contact

Dep. Economia i Història Econòmica

Edifici B, Campus UAB

08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES

© 2022 Ricard Esparza Masana

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